Charlie Walbridge has served as an expert consultant to schools, camps, colleges, businesses, government agencies, and whitewater park designers.
He has participated in over three dozen legal cases involving river outfitters, manufacturers, colleges, youth programs, public parks, and private landowners. He has investigated accidents, prepared reports, given depositions, and testified at trial. An initial phone consultation will be provided at no cost. If you feel that Mr. Walbridge can be helpful to you we will agree on an hourly rate.
Contact him by phone:
H. 1-304-379-9002
Email: [email protected]
Message “Charlie Walbridge” on Facebook
You can also write to him via postal mail:
Charlie Walbridge
1886 Little Sandy Rd.
Bruceton Mills WV. 26526
Swiftwater Rescue Articles and Posts
“The freedom to take calculated risks, in business, love, or whitewater, is one of the most cherished prerogatives of a free people. I don’t try to discourage knowledgeable people from willingly assuming risks; but I do work to educate inexperienced paddlers so they don’t get into trouble inadvertently.”

Remembering a Legendary Career

An Interview with Legendary Whitewater Safety Leader Charlie Walbridge

Interview with Charlie Walbridge

Live Bait Rescue Using a Rescue PFD

A Rescue Arrested – How It Happened and What We Can Learn

Racing Through the 70’s

Near Miss in the Watauga Gorge

Working for NOC in ’74 – A Yankee Paddler Goes South

The Glory Days of Cheat River Rafting

Gauley Season- The First Ten Years

Getting Started Paddling (True Confessions of an Old-Time Boater)

Yough Coroner’s Inquest Report